MACHINAL by Sophie Treadwell at SPIKE ISLAND
Dates: 22nd, 23rd, 29th & 30th March 2019
Time: 8pm
Price: €26 (price includes ferry crossing to and from the island)
We invite you to join us as a prisoner on Spike Island, to witness the story, trial and execution of the notorious black widow, Helen Jones.
“A powerful drama about the dependent status of the working class, and the living hell of a loveless marriage.”
Inspired by the notorious case of Ruth Snyder, an adulteress who died in the electric chair for the murder of her husband, Machinal is the personal tragedy of a gentle individual submissioned to a crowded, hard society. The story is told in nine episodes in an expressionistic style, dramatised consistently from the viewpoint of the Young Woman. The freedom and love she eventually finds lead to her killing her husband, and ultimately to her own death.
Produced by BOLT Productions in association with SPIKE ISLAND. Total time from pick up to drop off from pier approx. 3.5hours
Tickets on sale through www.spikeislandcork.ie from February 2019